About Heart Disease in Women

The more a woman knows about heart disease, the better chance she has of beating it. The first facts you need to know are very serious: Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year – more than all cancers combined. Fortunately, we can change that because 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with education and action.
Go Red For Women inspires women to make lifestyle changes, mobilize communities and shape policies to save lives. United, we are working to improve the health of all women.
Facts About Heart Disease in Women
Symptoms of a Heart Attack and Stroke
Living With Heart Disease
Heart Disease Research

Jen Thorson’s Story
Jen Thorson was an avid runner who never thought she would be a candidate for heart disease. Her first symptoms were shortness of breath and then back pain. She was only 37, but was properly diagnosed and began treatment that saved her life.
Cheryl Holmes thought her breathing difficulty and extreme sweating were because she was pregnant. Even her doctor was convinced pregnancy was the source of her symptoms. When they didn’t subside after the birth of her child, she discovered these were caused by heart disease.
Both Cheryl and Jen are now active spokespersons for Go Red For Women. They gladly share their successful heart disease stories so other women can learn from their experiences.