Stress Management
Join Healthy for Good and get tips to stress less.
Manage Stress and Manage Your Health
Stress happens, especially these days. While you may feel too busy to de-stress – you can decide to take back your “me time,” one moment at a time. Reduce stress for a healthier version of you.
Alyssa Milano Manages Stress With Life Lessons Learned From Hollywood - Variety
The American Heart Association presents, “Notes to My Younger Self” in collaboration with Variety Content Studio. Stress can come in all shapes and sizes. Hear how Alyssa Milano has learned to deal with it.
Videos to Help You Stress Less
Find a moment of relief from stress
Time for a green break. Can't step outside? Enjoy calming bird's eye views. Learning to manage your stress can benefit your health. -
Gratitude is Good Medicine
A regular gratitude practice can make you healthier and lead to better mood, better sleep, lower blood pressure and improved immune function. Start a gratitude habit today. -
A Sigh of Relief
Routine things like work emails and to-do lists can accidentally trigger our fight or flight response. Experts say this breathing technique is the FASTEST tool for stopping stress and anxiety. -
Take a moment to lower your stress
Sven uses his perfect mane to inspire relaxation. Focus on it now. Troy would like to reduce your stress ... through the power of cuteness. -
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 CALM
Kids and teens are more stressed than ever. Give your kiddos the gift of calm with this 2 minute exercise.

How does stress affect the body?
Stress can have lasting effects on your health and well-being. These health effects impact some groups disproportionately – women, for example, are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression compared to men.

Stress, Mental Health and Your Heart
Stress can have surprising effects on your heart health – and mental health. The mental health implications loom large, especially for some groups. Did you know that only one in three African Americans who need mental health treatment receives it?
Science meets self-care on the Live Fierce / Atrévete a Vivir podcasts
We are women. Strong. Determined. Fierce. These two podcasts bring us together to take a stand for our health. This fun and dynamic series features podcasts in English and Spanish. They're hosted by American Heart Association Executive VP of Marketing and Communications Katrina McGhee – who is also a longtime professional coach -- and Lili Gil Valletta, co-founder and CEO of the cultural intelligence firms CIEN + and Culturintel.

Katrina McGhee and Lili Gil Valletta © American Heart Association

Together Tuesdays™ is the easy way to satisfy your craving for connection.
Grab your favorite people and grab a quick meal together once a week. Nothing fancy, please. The conversation matters way more than the food. Refuel. Reconnect. Repeat each week.

Feel Great by Doing Good
Yes, giving to the American Heart Association can help save lives from heart disease and stroke. It can also make you feel good - and may reduce your stress, too.

Stress Management Tip Sheets

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