Know Your Risk
We’ve never met a woman who didn’t wake up with her mind set on crossing off something from her to-do list and who didn’t fall asleep worried she could’ve done one more thing. Being a woman means you may have an increased risk of high blood pressure, and therefore a higher risk of stroke. Pregnancy, menopause, or simply being a woman of color may play a part in increasing your risk.
The good news is up to 80% of strokes may be prevented. Give yourself one less thing to worry about. Managing your blood pressure today could help lower your risk for stroke tomorrow.

High Blood Pressure and Women
Managing a Woman's Risk Throughout Her Life
Reduce Risk At Any Age

can help you live a longer, healthier life.
Before, During and After Pregnancy


Tools and Resources
How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home Video
Watch our video explaining how to measure and monitor your blood pressure at home.
Talking with your health care professional is the first step to improving your blood pressure
Make the most of your next appointment by answering these six quick questions.
Spot a Stroke F.A.S.T.
F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs and symptoms of stroke.
National Hypertension Control Initiative
Learn about our community-based initiative supporting blood pressure control in vulnerable communities with self-blood pressure monitoring.