Women Need CPR Too Infographic
Women need CPR, too!
But women receive bystander CPR in public settings less often than men do.
Here's Why:
Even in training environments, some people are less likely to use CPR or an AED on female avatars.
Fears: Many are afraid of being accused of inappropriate touching or causing physical injury.
Myths: Many believe that women are less likely to have heart problems.
Here's what the American Heart Association is doing:
- Rising Awareness about cardiac arrest in women.
- Improving training to address gender-related barriers to increase bystander CPR rates for women. This includes representation of women in our training materials and informational videos.
- Advocating to improve the response to cardiac arrest for everyone. (All states have Good Samaritan laws that protect anyone who gives first aid and CPR. Check the laws in your area.)
Here’s what you can do:
- Overcome fear — it may help you save a life.
- Learn more at goredforwomen.org/WomenandCPR.
Learn Hands-Only CPR in 60 Seconds
No matter where you are, if you witness a teen or an adult suddenly collapse, you need to act fast — a delay of just a few minutes could be the difference between life and death.
So check out this video from the American Heart Association, and remember these two easy steps.