Symptoms of a Heart Attack in Women and Men
Heart attack symptoms can differ for men and women, but the most common symptom for both is chest pain. Women might also have non-chest pain symptoms and less obvious warning signs.
How do I know if I’m having a heart attack?
Symptoms in Women
- Chest pain, but not always
- Pain or pressure in the lower chest or upper abdomen
- Jaw, neck or upper back pain
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Fainting
- Indigestion
- Extreme fatigue
Symptoms in Men
- Squeezing chest pressure or pain
- Jaw, neck or back pain
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath
What do I do if I’m having a heart attack?
If you experience any of these signs or symptoms:
- Dial 911 immediately, follow the operator’s instructions and get to a hospital right away.
- Don’t drive yourself to the hospital.
- Try to stay as calm as possible and take deep, slow breaths while you wait for the emergency responders.
Women who think they’re healthy often misread the symptoms of a heart attack because they don’t think it could happen to them. That’s why it’s crucial to learn about heart attack, know your numbers and live heart-healthy.